Sunday, February 13, 2011

The things You Don't Think Of Until You Have Time To Think

For those of you who do not know me, I think a lot! Sometimes about really obscure random things, but the "quirk" for me is.....I try to find out about it. this has caused me to be a wealth of useless information and when I say useless, I mean useless. For example, a friend of Facebook posed the question, "Why don't we eat turkey eggs?". Well, Miss W.O.U.I. was able to answer because I saw a show about it late at night on a weird channel. I know the measurements of many seemingly simple household objects because I am a terribly inept spacial person. I have to know the approximate measures to know if something will fit somewhere and not just furniture in a room. things like packing a box, fitting items in the cabinets or on a shelf. Weird, I know. So I use these everyday objects to plan out where things fit instead of constant rearranging. A brand new Ticonderoga #2 green issue pencil is exactly 7.5". An unused standard crayon is 3.5". My index finger is 3". The small square plate I sometimes use to put a candle on is exactly 6 3/4". My orange handle Fiskar scissors are 8". A standard kitchen butter knife is 8.5". I could go on and on, but I need those things to help me see things more concretely.
Funny story....when I moved to Charlton, MA in August of 2004, I had a small room in an apartment that I shared with a friend. I had to sit in my room to look and decide where things should go. I dread this because I have to move everything to where I want it and then if I need to change it, I have to move things. I have a hard time visualizing in that area of my life. So I called my brother, Jeff. He is the master of space. Not just because he wished that he could be Darth Vader, but because he can just do it. It must be the artsy side of his brain. Basically, after talking on the phone for a little and sending a picture or two......he advised me as to the best layout for the room. Before hanging up I got him to talk me through how to set up my TV, DVD, and VCR (yes, I still have one) so that I could just pop in a VHS tape and everything would just work. This story is absolutely true. Sad, I know, but none the less true!
Getting back to my original title and reason for this blog.......thinking!
I stayed at my aunt and uncle's house this weekend because they went away to Universal Studios in Florida. I was home most of the day Friday by myself and of course was thinking. My other aunt came home from work. We had supper, talked, and started watching a movie. Later that night my cousin, Shawn, came home from work and the gym. I talked his ear off until like after midnight with just plain dumb conversation. So, I am home alone on Saturday. I got up and did some things and was checking Facebook when I realized that I felt pretty good and I slept well. so, that random thought began my analyzing of why did I feel this way? I was a little surprised at the answer......I slept better and felt better because......dare I say it............I interacted with other people!!!!!
For almost 4 years now I have been taking an over-the-counter sleep aid. I realized that I was not sleeping well when I accidentally took Tylenol PM one night and felt great when I woke up. I haven't had a steady job since August of 2010, (that is another blog)I have moved twice, and my life has kinda been crazy. I haven't been sleeping that well even with the pills. I had been going to bed between 11pm and 12pm, having a hard time falling asleep, then waking up around 2am or 3am to go to the bathroom, which I hardly ever do, and then sleep really well from 5am to 9am. This pattern made me crazy.
As I analyzed it, I went to my journal to study my thoughts and feelings. I saw a little pattern. The days that I had spend with people, I felt better and slept better. I did not use any sleep pills this weekend and I felt great!
The Sandy Bergeron official analysis of the situation: I am a better and dare I say healthier person when I am around people? Yes! Well, whaddayaknow.........
I guess when I digest this I can talk about it some more.
Right now I am getting ready to go to Jeff's and then Charlie & Mel's.
I guess it will be a good night for sleeping.

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