Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Just A Little Sleep......Finally!

I must start by saying that I have had serveral nights of nearly perfect sleeping! Before this great stretch of sleep, I was concerning about my sleeping "issue". I was using an over-the-counter sleep aid. (I haven't used it in about 20 days. If I can bearly afford food I can't see buying that.) My sleeping was bad since I hadn't used it. I was thinking about having to use the sleep aid in the Philippines. How much could I bring with me? Do they have it there? Would I have to have someone send it to me? I knew I needed to sort this out. In my previous blog I seem to have pinpointed the problem. So now I will continue to work on improving the sleeping and upkeeping what makes it work. I am very excited that this sleeping issue has been worked out. I had a hard time accepting that I didn't like being alone. Don't get me wrong, I need some solitude once in a while, but I just made myself deal with being alone. It was easier to deal with that then it was to deal with the real isue behind it. I am also glad that since I can deal with it and I am dealing with it that means that the changes the Lord has been making are really working, but more importantly, I am not tring to inhibit the process! Being who God designed me to be is much easier than working so hard to keep being the person I thought people wanted me to be! Praise the Lord!

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